
Sunday, February 3, 2013


Tomorrow, is a day I will always remember. Turning 21 is a big deal! I still can't believe I am really going to be 21! Also tomorrow I reflect on the life of the first child I advocated for & that he will be turning 3 years old. I am so happy he found his family pretty quick when I started advocating. 
February 4th is a very busy day for Birthdays. I know 2 kids in real life that share my same Birthday & our sponsor child through world vision. Today I want to reflect on 3 awesome kids who will be celebrating tomorrow with me. I have already mentioned Quinton, now I will mention the other two.
Next up is our sponsor child, Angela. I won't share her picture for privacy sake. She is turning 5 years old tomorrow. Though I know her only by the updates & pictures we receive I feel like she is still part of our family. I assume since we sponsor her through an organization she will get some type of celebration. Happy Birthday sweet girl! I love you so much! 

Lastly, a special girl who truly has been an inspiration with a miracle story! 6 years ago a family asked for prayer as they did not think their daughter with Trisomy 13 would make it past birth. L not only survived but is thriving! Happy Birthday L!!! You have truly inspired me through the amount of time I have known you.

Just two days left, over $2,000 raised so far!!!! Let's make this goal happen!!! $18,678.96 to go!!!
As I celebrate tomorrow my heart will be thinking of two special little girls who don't get to celebrate Birthdays.
Let's not only make tomorrow a 21st Birthday to remember but remember these two in our thoughts & Prayer!
Can't wait to party at Leatherbys for these girls to get closer to the goal! Be sure to show this picture by printing it out or showing it on your smart phone for the proceeds to go to Reece's Rainbow!

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