
Sunday, May 12, 2013

A Mothers Love|Reeces Rainbow

A Mothers Love, reaches from the stars above,
For a Mothers Love knows no more than to Love,
For a Mother to love someone she has never even met or cared for that's the Love the Least of these deserve.
No matter the circumstance, even if their not really her children she loves them no matter what.
For a mother to willingly make sacrifices for her children even if they were just "hers" via a picture.

That's the Best gift a Mother can give, whether it's helping to support her Daughters passion & dreams.
Or just being the best Mom she can be loving her kids near & far no matter what
That's what a Mothers Love is to me. Happy Mothers day Mom & all the other moms, grandmas, aunts, someday moms, adoptive moms, birth moms, & Mommy-to-be! Though I'm no Mom I have had people in the past say happy mom-in-training day. No matter what I will be thinking of my "children" who are now stuck because of this ban.  Love you Alden,


Cora Lynne,

And Celine
I am praying for you today & know you are not forgotten. 
Love you Emily!

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