
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Day of Prayer for the orphans of Russia|Reeces Rainbow

I just finished my prayer slot & just reflecting on what's gone on this past year is tough but I always feel the parents who had met their children who had to walk away it's harder on them then I as an advocate. Today, one year ago Celine had a matching grant going on & me ever so helpless could not figure out a way to help so I asked my mom who then suggested a day of prayer. So I threw it together last minute, added an event to fb & only 30 or less signed up. I was discouraged but God knew what was about to happen the next day. I mean he must have been laughing at me saying hello, did I not show you already when you had your small amount to offer as a matching grant? This year, I knew the date was fast approaching & as painful as it was I felt like on this date I needed to pray for the girl I dearly love & the orphans stuck in her country. So, up til Midnight EST we are praying for the orphans stuck in Russia, the families this adoption ban impacted, the children who met their families but are now stuck, their government & ours, their president & ours, the orphans still waiting, etc. WE STILL NEED MORE STATES ON THE LIST & MORE TIME SLOTS FILLED! Please, if you can take 1 slot or even two that would mean so much to me! Heres the signup document. EVEN IF IT FILLS UP JUST LEAVE ME A COMMENT HERE LETTING ME KNOW YOUR PRAYING OR COME JOIN US IN PRAYING ON OUR FACEBOOK EVENT HERE. Feel free to pray at any time, this is just something we setup. 
This is what I posted for my time of prayer on facebook:
Only God knew, as I am wondering what to pray for my last few minutes of my 30 min slot (I was late cause I'm visiting CT) I decided to go to my devos to see if their was anything related & for Fridays it was When Life doesn't go according to plan & it sure hit right on the dot. I wanted to share Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his Purpose."

Lastly another sweet angel in another country, earned it's wings & is with Jesus now. We long for the day of Jesus return where their is no more sorrow, no pain, nor death. Ryker, died never knowing the love a family can bring but he was loved even if he never knew it. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh Leah, that little boy dying without ever having a family is truly heartbreaking. Bless you for all of the advocating you do on the behalf of these little ones. <3
