
Monday, November 4, 2013

Blessing of a camera

My camera has truly been a God blessing & whenever I tell the story people are amazed but that is only part of the story. The real truth of the story plays back in my mind everytime from my perspective which never fully I have shared the story but today I will. 3 days before my Birthday, I read this post & wanted to help in whatever way I could. I was simply wanting to support an orphan & though it would be nice to win a prize my main reason was to support Peter.
I did not have much to donate but wanted to help Peter (thankfully he is home with his family!) so I donated what little I did have but as it got further along into the Giveaway I wanted to do more. My Grandma had given me $ to send to a child on Reeces Rainbow & I of course chose to donate to  Peter & Artem. The day before/of the winners were to be announced I was saying surely I'm not gonna win it. I think I might have prayed I would win it. Well, when this post popped up on my blogger feed I nervously started reading til I reached the part announcing my name as the winner of the Nikon camera & Kept thinking to myself is this real? I was in shock, never have I won anything that big! I was so excited & my friends that were in the room when I read it I told them not to tell my mom as I wanted to surprise her that I had won. (Thankfully she did not read that post before it arrived) The day it arrived either Mom or I carried it in, she was asking me what it was & when I opened it up she asked where did this come from & then I proceeded to tell her the story & how I wanted to surprise her. 

For the past two years I have come to enjoy this precious gift. 

But what's more special is the return gift God has given me by using it myself & my sweet sister's photography skills.
He gave me great Moments captured in my own life & others.
Countless of blessings coming home to their beloved families.
And babes held in my arms
Treasured memories of my Nephews birth

Special events that will last a lifetime
And days when you just decide to play around with your camera
Then it turns into something beautiful,
Precious memories cherished all because God wanted me to bless another 

The beauty of God's nature adored
From fall to winter

Note ALL PHOTOS CREDIT GOES TO MYSELF & MY SISTER Stephanie of Stephanies Photography. Please do not copy or use without our permission. 
First of all God gets all the glory for this all, secondly I thank my friend Patti who did that Giveaway two years ago & her friend who gave up their camera (they had only used it once) to use as a prize to help a orphan for that I appreciate the camera even more so. Looking forward, to see how God allows me to use this gift even more for his glory in the future!

1 comment:

  1. Leah, I can't think of a more deserving person to win the camera - I'm so glad you did. Love you and love your big, big heart.
