
Sunday, April 6, 2014

When you think no one Cares

Yes, it's been awhile. I know this blog is probably not read very much or at all but I knew it was time for another update. I know I have planned to blog many times but it just has not happened. My blogging just has taken a back slide in my life & just maybe that's okay.
I have so much to say but I can't always grasp & put it into words but I certainly try to. 

Well, I had something I had written but God knew I needed encouragement tonight. You may think why bother blogging when you think no one is listening or even cares but let me tell you never know who might God be speaking to!
God's got his plan for you even if you can't see it. Keep going cause you just might be the person God uses to speak about orphans to! 
As I was writing I went to check on an online auction when I realized a friend of mine had bid on an item. To be honest I have been struggling getting back into advocating/blogging thinking why bother if "no one seemed to care" & because the stuff with the Russia Orphans being stuck my hearts just not in it still. Only God would use this time to knock telling me I need to keep going which is why tears pour out of my eyes again sharing this with you. I can't say how much my heart longs for no orphan crisis but God has put it on my heart for a reason so try to help I must one orphan at a time.
Right now I share this girl who still needs a family,
And the Kirk family who I have become a family warrior for who are adopting a sweet boy named Ian.
It may not always be an easy road, but I will take it any day! Please be praying for them as they raise the remaining funds needed to complete this adoption.
Be encouraged today whether your adopting or advocating you just never know when someone is watching! Keep me in prayer as I continue to find myself back into blogging/advocating. My writing might not be as great as it once was but I will get there & I still have a few posts including some guest ones in mind so stay tune!

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