
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Why I'm proud of my brother Matthew

Want To know what makes this guy so special?
Cause, he is my brother. I'm proud of the way he has worked hard his 2nd year in college.
I love his tender heart for loving God above all else & his sweet nature but funny spirit to spread Christ's Love all over the world. I'm proud of how he has stepped out & said Yes, to what God has called him to do. Last year, despite the cost & despite finishing his 1st year in college he said yes to go to serve in Costa Rica. God provided all the funds plus some to go just barely in the nick of time.
And Yes, this crazy guy is my Brother! The One who would yet again answer Yes, to Gods calling for him except this time to Ecuador.
When you say yes, to God you take a huge leap of faith that he will provide the funds needed for whatever he is calling you to do. He is taking this huge leap yet again trusting God will provide the funds to go yet again. For you see I'm a proud big sister who watched her brother come home from his trip last year & I enjoyed seeing how God worked & changed his life on that trip. It's not always easy waiting on God but you trust & know he will provide the way if it's his plan for you. I know from experience, I'm still waiting for his Yes for my life but right now while I wait I would go to the moon & back for my brother (or any of my siblings for that matter!) to help him fulfill Gods yes for his life.
Is it going to be easy? No of course not but I trust Gods got a plan & he will provide just like last year. I know I mostly write about orphans but this is a personal matter I feel I need to write about. He is leaving the end of May & still needs about $3,000. Please be praying for God to provide the needed funds for him to go & that he will help Matt show people God's incredible love for them on this trip. Want to know how you can help?
If you wish to learn more about Matthew's trip & to donate to help "Mission Matt to Ecuador" go to his page
Have you heard of Scentsy? Scentsy Warmers use a low-watt bulb to slowly melt specially formulated wax. In my personal opinion they are much safer than candles & matches. Why waste your money buying more than one scented candle when you can just get it all in one! With Scentsy you can mix scents & have plenty of options to choose from. Here's my scentsy warmer I bought awhile back. I personally have only gotten the Lilac scent from Scentsy but I love the days my rooms smell not that great I can just turn on my warmer without worrying about flames or fires. 
Anyway, not long ago God lead me to a kind stranger who offered to do a fundraiser for my Brother. Out of the kindness of her heart she is offering 20% of sales to go to Matthew. I encourage you even if you have never heard of Scentsy to check it out! Thus far, we have not had much luck with this but I'm trying to spread the word cause I want this to be a success! Please help me spread the word too!!! To order go to & PLEASE BE SURE TO SELECT MATTHEW HARDWICK AS THE PARTY AT THE TOP FOR THE 20% TO GO TO HIM!!! OH AND CHECK OUT THE MOTHERS DAY DEAL!! 
Stay tune, we also will be hosting an awesome "moms day" Giveaway on here next week to help Matt even more! We will feature many prizes including a Moms day package of babysitting, photography, & house cleaned all in one and other prizes like gift cards, baked goods, My Thirty One bags, & MUCH MORE!! YOU DO NOT WANT TO MISS THIS!!! Please be praying for this to go well in addition to our Scentsy fundraiser & be sure to spread the word for this fundraiser once we start it!
Matt, again I'm so very proud to be your big sister & of all that you do. I love you to the Moon & back!!

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