
Friday, July 25, 2014

Meeting a friend named Julia

Where do I even begin on how this Lady has been such a blessing to me?
Such a kindred spirit she is! If she lived close to me she is one I would love to be dear friends with. 
I first found her blog Micah Six Eight
her words in how she describes her son's institution he had been in still brings me to tears. Her blog was among the many that brought me to my advocating journey & I'm truly greatful for her story & words that brought me on this journey. 
It felt so surreal when I met her at the Reeces Rainbow Reunion almost two weeks ago, this person who has been non-stop encouraging since I started advocating for orphans. It truly felt like a dream being able to finally give her a hug in person. Sometimes I would have private email conversations with her whether it was asking for prayer on a fundraiser or something, or just being encouraging when I was down, this girl was being so sweet to me & would let me know she was praying. 
Julia, God brought you in my life for a reason & am very thankful for that. Their are many people I have been hopeful to meet in this life & I'm so greatful that one of them has been you. Meeting you in person made it even more real to me & I just wanted to write out my appreciation of you. You truly have been an inspiring person to me. 
This is what I wrote on my Facebook about it:
Among the many people I had the Honor of meeting at the Reece's Rainbow Reunion, was fellow advocate, adoptive parent, & blogger Julia N. & her son Aaron. She is one of the many who started me on my journey for advocating & has been such a big encouragement to me in my own journey what started with the two girls I love now stuck in another country. She has been a true friend & is as much kind in person as she is online. I so wished I had more time to chat with her but I was so blessed to be able to finally meet. Reading her blogposts about the Lost Boys & their story of adopting Aaron is what truly got to my heart about the reality these kids live in daily-
Thanks Julia, for truly being my friend (even behind private emails) & from just this crazy internet world I see the positive side of it meeting inspiring, encouraging people like you & your son. Even if the Journey has been rough for me I thank you for writing your story out on an open blog & supporting me in all my ups & downs with Celine & Cora Lynne whether prayer or encouragement, or helping spread the words about the fundraisers I was doing. Words can only began to describe how greatful I am for you & that God allowed us to meet.

Only God could have allowed this dream of mine to happen about an hour from where I live. My mind is still in a daze from almost two weeks ago & I will be posting more soon.

1 comment:

  1. That is so sweet!! I thoroughly enjoyed meeting you and sharing a table together!!
