
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Break my heart for what breaks his

Ever since I began this journey of advocating, I never truly thought how much my heart would break over orphans I had never met. After the adoption ban I questioned & I wondered why? Was I suppose to continue? It broke my heart & I was not sure if I would come out from it. I was scared of falling in love with another child & having my heart be broken all over again. Slowly, I started to get back to advocating & fundraising for adoptive families. I started with the Kirk family who are home now yay! 

When my heart got broken I had to make a tough decision of where I wanted her grant to go, after many debates of where it should go I chose 3 girls, all 3 with such adorable smiles. I did not want to make that decision & with many tears I made it. One of those girls is now home & one soon to be home. Though it makes me happy other girls get to come home because of her grant it still hurts knowing she is stuck. 

What I want to shout to the world is despite the many times I want to quit, God keeps me going. 
I love this passion of mine & really wish everyone understood & got it like I do. Sometimes I feel like no one hears & why bother to try? It's because of the former orphans I have met that I do. My heart longs to be able to adopt but for now I do what I can to help. If I had all the money in the world I would fund every adoption & I'm always torn to know which family God wants me to help. At this time, it's these two families & I'm pleading to the end of the earth for them both cause THIS IS IMPORTANT TO ME & GOD!
Meet Maria,who is being adopted by the Cox family
After the adoption ban, I saw this little girls smile & it reminded me of the other girl I love so I shared her face on/off on my blog & on fb. Her joyfilled grin gave me a reason to smile. Not to replace my feelings I had for the two girls I so dearly loved but to add a new butterfly to this "family". Her family absolutely adores her & are still short $9,000 for the adoption of her. I have seen their family work hard to raise the funds to go get her & more than anything I want this girl to be honored even if she never gets to experience a family. 
So sweet Celine, you touched my life even if you never realized it & your apart of Maria's story so much. An anonymous person worked hard with no expectations & was blessed with a gift from someone they love. This gift was never about the person giving it but was truly given out of love. A $150 matching grant has been offered & no far no movement. Trusting God will provide, Celine you showed me how to love despite being oceans apart, & through this adoption ban your giving love to another little girl so she can know what love is so this is not any ordinary match this one is in your honor. Once their grant reads $3,553.41 it will be matched. 
To donate visit HERE

And meet Valera, pictured here with his adoptive mama
His story is truly unique & special as it's not often orphans with special needs are allowed to be a part of hosting programs. God guided these two together at the Reeces Rainbow Reunion & I'm so thankful I got to meet them both. Valera is truly a special boy! It's one thing to see a picture but a whole new one when you meet them face to face. I am signed up to be their family warrior just like I was for the Kirk family who is home now. The Schultz family is not only in the process of adopting Valera but also another cutie in another country.
THEY NEED HELP! PLEASE CONSIDER MAKING A DONATION TODAY! I have no prize to offer but know it does not matter about prizes cause it's all about love.

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