
Saturday, January 10, 2015

New Hope, New Year-Recap of Angel Tree 2014

Every year Angel Tree comes around, I panic. I almost did not sign up to be a warrior last year & I doubted yet again this year.
But then I saw her, & knew I had to take that giant leap once again.
We had a plan for a fundraiser this time. Plans failed & I was seriously trying not to have a major panic attack. I felt like why did I sign up yet again? I have prayed for her since I signed up & yet her goal was still so very far away.
Then I came to a realization I needed to take a deep breath, do what I could do to share her face & fundraise, & leave it all up to God. Regardless of if she made her angel tree goal of $1,000 or not her story needed to be shared.
So I did just that sharing for two whole months, I put a few items in a online auction which ended up raising alot more than I thought for stuff sitting around in my house, & I did a mini craft fair.
Was it easy & were their times I just wanted to give up? Of course their always is but this little girl kept pushing me to fight.
All along the way since mid angel tree, I have been at peace knowing I have tried my hardest & given everything I could possibly give for her. If I had all the funds in the world to donate I would but since I did not I did what I could do putting my trust that God would provide the funds. 
Up til the last day when she was still about halfway there I thought their is no possible way for her to make it. No surprise big matching grant for the kids on Angel Tree to help her reach her goal. I was disappointed but I was going to be okay with her not reaching her goal. Happily an unexpected donation came in that I "won" & a few others soon followed getting her to about $300 left to raise in mere hours to go. Our New Years Eve Party was happening online but I had left my computer to eat dinner & then visit with family. I was still unsure if she would reach her goal & I kept comparing to years past of my other kids reaching their goals sooner. When I got back on later, a awesome surprise greeted me with several Facebook tags notifying me of what was going on.
She had REACHED HER GOAL WITH STILL HOURS TO SPARE!! I truly felt like I could cry (I would have if I had been in my room), between how she made it thanks to some sweet ladies sharing/donating to her grant & that it had happened once again when I least expected it to. It made me a very happy girl to start the New Year off with her reaching her goal! I want to thank all my friends & family for your support & to all who donated to Sasha during Angel Tree.
BUT IT'S A NEW YEAR & that means New Hope for this girl to find a family in 2015! So please stay with me on this crazy journey & continue to pray for Sasha to find a family. #newyearnewhope Help me find a family for Sasha!

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