
Saturday, April 11, 2015

Greatest Potential

Emma like my sister could have the greatest Potential. Here's what I shared when I posted this video on youtube 3 weeks ago: My sister, Sarah, dancing to Animals as performed by Jeremy Gaynor & Rob Taylor on The Voice on NBC #teamchristina
Original credit of this song goes to Maroon 5
We were watching The Voice on NBC which she is a huge fan of, watching it every week, never missing it. Since last week when seeing the preview for the 3/18 show of Team Christina's Rob Taylor & Jeremy Gaynor performance she has brought down her mask each time hoping it will come on & when it came on yesterday she asked if we could video her dancing to it. I want to share this, We all tend to judge on the outward appearance by putting our own "mask" on seeing them whether by their look or by their disability but don't see them for the person they are. They on the other hand wish others could treat them the same as everyone else not judging them by their "mask" of what this world sees Different. Sarah is more than just her Down Syndrome or her Selective Mutism, she is a Normal girl who loves to dance, watch TV shows like The Voice on NBC, loves Disney, Singing, & so much more. I'm her sister & I want the world to see her despite any "mask" she might have.
Emma Grace just needs some help to come home to her family so she can shine like the beautiful girl she is & have that potential! WE HAVE JUST 4 DAYS LEFT TIL THE DREAM IS A WISH YOUR HEART MAKES GIVEAWAY ENDS & STILL GREAT CHANCES AT WINNING A PRIZE!! Don't you love the sweetness in my sisters smile helping me pick out these items for the Giveaway?
And who here loves Toy Story? I sure do!
Few weeks ago when I posted that video to the Voice contestant twitter pages they both commented on it so you see you never know what a tweet, share, or prayer can do! You gain 1 FREE ENTRY JUST BY SHARING ON EACH SOCIAL MEDIA SITE! So 1 for twitter, 1 for fb, 1 for Instagram, 1 for Blogging, etc. SO SHARE, TWEET CELEBRITIES, & SHARE SOME MORE! This girl needs to come home! & you can donate here
And if you happen to be on Facebook check out the auction the Brook family has going

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