
Saturday, December 26, 2015

Twas the Night of Christmas

Twas the Night of Christmas a girl waited across the ocean
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
Their was no stockings, no presents, no visit from Santa

Just a girl named Sasha waiting in an orphanage
She might have had a bed but dreams of a family danced through her head
Their was no Mama, no Daddy, no sibling to enjoy celebrating Christmas with

Just this girl named Sasha tucked away wishing for a family
She might not know it but yes, someone does care. I sure hope this is her last Christmas without a family. I know you might not have much but even the smallest makes a difference to this one.

The greatest gift was born on this day thousands of years ago, let us always remember that tis the real reason for Christmas. Merry Christmas & to all a good night!
Let's help make this the last year Sasha is without a family! ANGEL TREE ENDS DECEMBER 31ST so be sure to get donations made before then for it to count towards the Angel Tree goal!

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