
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

One Less Orphan Update:Allie

Honest to goodness, "Maria" was not who I had planned on helping. I had seen her & thought she was precious but little did I know how God had weaved the messy thread that broke my heart to be a blessing to this sweet girl. I wrote about how I had to make the hardest decision here
I was thrilled when the Cox family stepped forward to adopt her & as much as it was hard knowing that some of the funds raised originally for another girl, one I had fought so hard to find her family who still is stuck in her country due to the adoption ban I knew their had to be Beauty from ashes somewhere even if I was hurting in the midst. 
At age 12 when "Maria" now Allie came home she only weighed 33 lbs.
Though you were not the girl my friends & I rallied together to help the events that played part of your future God knew you were the one who would get to experience unconditional love. I still pray someday that girl will still get to be you but in the meantime we celebrate the joy of seeing you doing well in your family.
Since coming home...
Sitting in a restaurant in the airport after arriving in America
You love to Learn
You enjoy swimming with your family
Your getting to experience Holidays such as 4th of July & Christmas
While my friends supported MANY THINGS that played a small part in this little girls adoption & 2 other orphans one of my favorite days was my 21st Birthday that will always be dear to my heart
I want to thank my friends, without you again though the path may change it took the love you showed me leading up to that day & throughout my 21st Birthday to help be a part of Allies future. 

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