
Sunday, February 7, 2016

Two Less Orphans Update:Christian & Creed

Unlike most stories I have shared, this family was a different kind of special. We had met their family just after we moved here. They had already adopted 2 girls but felt called to go back this time for two adorable boys with Down syndrome. 
Since coming home in Sept 2015...
Christian has learned to feed himself, before he didn't know how to hold a spoon.
Creed got to enjoy Birthday cake. 
Both boys doing well & loving life!
With the help of some awesome friends I was able to take a bunch of stuff to our local kids consignment sale & made $331 for their adoption.
It takes a lot of time, hardwork, & Prayer to be able to jump into doing the consignment sale each time but I do know these boys lives were so worth it. Thank you all for your love, support, & Prayers for these boys!

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