
Friday, February 4, 2011

Happy Birthday Quinton!!

Happy Birthday to my special warrior birthday buddy Quinton! I know that today is your 1st birthday, sadly you are not with your family, but I am praying you will be soon! When I signed up to be a christmas warrior, I had decided on Celine but she already had one. God knew I would find you & share a common bond, a birthday. Thing is the day you got placed on the my family page was the day the angel tree started. God then knew I would post on the RR yahoo group all excited about your grant growing & that your mommy would see it. I had fundraised through 2 consignment sales, before i picked you as my warrior child. I still decided to get your ornament & have it on my bulletin board to remind me to pray for you. I know you probably won't have cake and presents this year, no one to sing happy birthday to you. So I will celebrate by singing to you and light a special candle just for you as I celebrate my birthday. Happy 1st Birthday Quinton! from your warrior & birthday buddy, Leah

1 comment:

  1. So Sweet, Leah. Thank you so much for everything-the prayers, the birthday wishes...everything. You are an amazing young lady!
