
Monday, February 7, 2011

Party in Honor of Quinton

So for my birthday, i decided to celebrate not only my birthday but a boy who touched my heart as well. Quinton, words can not express of how I prayed for you & thought of you often as you waited for your family to commit back around October/November when signups for warriors began. When your mom saw my posts, & emailed me saying they were adopting you I was so excited! I decided to do even more fundraising for you, so I decided to ask instead of gifts, for donations for your grant fund. I will have the total amount in your grant soon! As well as that, i started a change campaign for you. Several of my friends sadly could not come to my party but they still wanted to donate to your fund so I will be handing them their change containers this week & next week. Heres my celebration I had for us from my side of the world! Quinton we are praying & fundraising for you to be home for your 2nd Birthday! I hope that I can meet you someday when you are home with your loving family! The one candle represents you turning 1. I sung happy birthday to you later with a dear friend of mine. I was hoping to tape me singing happy birthday via webcam so i could post it on here but i will get a video of myself for you another day!


  1. This is just too sweet for words! My daughter got to go to another birthday party for Quinton on Friday! Quinton's mommy-to-be is my daughter's special ed teacher! Her class threw a birthday party at school for him! I think that it is awesome for young people like you to have such a passion for the orphans. You keep on doing what you do to spread the word! God bless you!

  2. What a thoughtful idea. Happy birthday to you both!

  3. Leah, you never cease to amaze me :) Thank you again and again! I also hope that someday our paths will cross and you will get to meet Quinton.

  4. thanks carol! I really hope so too! Ladies, please follow along here for upcoming fundraisers for Quinton as well as my current efforts for Celine & Cora Lynne.
