
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 21

Day 21, Lord you know who Cora Lynnes family is. Please bring them closer to decision of commitment soon so she can be home by her next birthday. Let them know that I am advocating & praying for them as they make this decision.
For Cora Lynne, I may not know when exactally your birthday is but know that I am thinking of you everyday. Mommy & Daddy will hopefully be there before your 6th birthday. Know that I am fundraising & advocating for you like crazy but God is the one who knows who your family is & when they will step forward for you. If I was old enough & married I would come get you myself but I hope to have an angel like you someday. For now, I am fighting for your life! Screaming, shouting, & hollering for you & Celine to find families! I so hope that if its Gods will that I get to meet you someday with your future family.
I love you very much & will continue to search for your forever family!
your prayer warrior/advocate,