
Sunday, May 22, 2011

More pictures of Celine!

So I asked if I could see the other pictures of Celine & I got permission to post them on my blog. I really like the one on her profile page but their is 1 in this batch that is good. Don't you think she would make a wonderful daughter?

Peek-a-boo I see you! Would you not love to play with me?

I just love to read & would love someone to read to me every night!

She does not look very happy here


  1. Oh, I love these pictures!! I've prayed that Celine and Cora Lynne will be claimed by June...I've also prayed that my hubby's heart would be accepting of adoption, if it is what the Lord wants. I just love Celine :D Thanks for posting, Leah!

  2. Oh my goodness, what a cutie! I'm praying with you for Celine and Cora Lynne. Keep up the good work. :)
