
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 7

Today brings day 7. For the Love of Celine & Cora Lynne has 45 likes on Facebook, I have 24 followers on the blog, Cora Lynnes profile link has been shared 21 times on facebook (not sure if thats recently but still its cool!) and more people have come to know Cora Lynne as well as the other princess I advocate for, Celine. God is already showing me what love can do this week as a adoptive family who themselves could use this has graciously decided to give me something I could use to fundraise not for any Reeces Rainbow kid but for the mission trip I will go to serve at Camp Barnabas, a Christian camp in Missouri for kids & adults with special needs as well as the siblings. Another sweet story: So as you may recall from my post in February, I was doing a change campaign for Quinton. Well since I deposited the last batch of change, I have had 2 people return the change back to me. Last night my friends little 4 yr old son gave me the jar & she said it had been half full when he decided to open his piggy bank. Shes not sure if he quite understands but I thought it was so sweet. A little boy giving his change, for the love of a child. Lets bestow the same blessings that God has graciously given to us, even if its not much or just praying for Cora Lynne it all helps! Lets find her forever family for her 5th birthday! We have 55 likes more to get on fb, 76 or even more followers for the blog, & 24 days left for the challenge!


  1. I made another donation to Cora today :) I wish it was easier to bring them home. I went ahead and printed 100 flyer/ photos of Cora Lynne to hand out over the next few days.
