
Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mothers day to all you moms & Day 8!

Happy Mothers Day to all you moms, adoptive or by birth it does not matter! Although I am too young & not a mother, I hope to be someday so if your not a mom yet Happy Mommy day in Training! I got that from a dear friend at church this morning. Even though I am not a mom, I am like a mom to kids at church serving in Childrens Ministry & have formed bonds with several kids. As its Mothers Day we think about our kids, well I am thinking of 2 girls who do not have a mommy. Cora Lynne & Celine both don't have mommies to hold & care for them if they have a boo-boo, hug them when they are sad, take care of them when they are sick, & feed them when they are Hungry. Wheres their mommies? i wish with all my heart these 2 could be adopted together but they can't. Please pray they will have their forever families so that next year they can celebrate Mothers day! Keep spreading the word for Cora Lynnes sake!

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