
Sunday, June 12, 2011

7 months later!

7 months ago, I got the most awesome email a Reeces Rainbow warrior could get because November 1st, 2010 began a blessed friendship with Quintons Mom, Carol. Since they are leaving today I thought I should share the day I found out about their awesome news. Lets go to the day of or before (can't remember) when I decided I wanted to post a certain post on Quinton, i thought nothing of it but then I got this very exciting email:
Hi. My name is Carol Miller and my husband and I have recently begun paperwork to pursue Quinton's adoption. I was so excited and overwhelmed to the point of tears when I read your post. We are head over heels in love with this little guy and feel called to make him a part of our family. We cannot express our gratitude enough. We have seen God work in ways this past week that we have never experienced before. Please please pass on our sincere thanks to everyone involved in your fundraisers. If there is an address I could send a card to, I would love that. If you'd rather stay anonymous, that's fine too. You will always mean more to us than you know because your efforts helped us bring our baby home!
God bless you,
Carol and Brian
I was so excited & happy for you! Not only but the day the angel tree started as I was his christmas warrior I got this email. God knew Quintons family from the day he was born. You can look at my other blog to see how far I have come with my special birthday buddys fundraisers/advocacy efforts & the journey I have been on as well watching & waiting for him to meet his parents & now its here! Please pray for the Millers in the rest of this process & their SDA appointment June 15th. Pray they will have safe travels. Pray most of all for my lil bud Quinton as he meets his parents for the 1st time & that they will get along well. Pray they can raise the remaining $3,250 to bring him home! If you can please donate at least $5 to help on their button to the right, it goes straight into their grant & its tax deductible?
Quinton, mommy & daddy will be their soon for you! KNOW THAT YOU ARE LOVED & TREASURED FOR WHO YOU ARE BY SO MANY!! I love you with all my heart as if you were my own little brother, Leah PS ALL YOUR CALIFORNIA FRIENDS ARE EXCITED FOR YOU TO MEET MOMMY & DADDY, & WILL BE PRAYING FOR ALL TO GO WELL!

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