
Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Our God is a mighty God!

I am just going to come right out & say it. Saturday after I figured out we only made $185 for Celine, Cora Lynne, the Miller, & Mickschl families which was less than last weekends yard sale I was bummed not too mention tired & sunburnt. I was hoping to raise the remaining for Celines 5/5/5 goal or at least half for both girls, as well as at least half of what the millers still needed. Even though I had heard of other miracles happening, I was thinking in my mind when will that miracle happen? I was not trusting in the one who provides it all. Now I realize that the Devil was trying to pull me down! The last time I looked at the Millers grant it was over $8,000. After replying to a friends link post about the Millers, then Carol his mom encouraged me saying God knows whats needed. When I got on fb yesterday (mind you I have not looked at his fsp page in several days) first I see a post from a friend saying Guess who is fully funded? I thought their is no way but then I go to Carols fb & see that they are fully funded just 50 minutes before they took off! I was an emotional wreck yesterday after I found out. Then I look at their fsp which was over $12,000. I have learned my lesson & I will never doubt God again! I just needed to trust him to provide! I am praying & leaning on him that he will provide the remaining funds needed to bring home Lydiah & if I happen to be a part of that miracle I will cry out to the one who always provides! I will trust him to find these girls families, provide the funds needed, & watch over them til those families come. Look for some more fundraisers coming soon for the girls & Lydiah! Because of the celebration of them being fully funded I am going blue partially dyed hair for Quinton so look for that picture soon! So excited & anxiously awaiting new pictures of him with his parents! For this child, I Prayed, advocated, & fundraised for that we both share a birthday. Carol & Brian, if your reading this know that I am so happy that you stepped out in faith to adopt Quinton & you made my wish of him coming to a family true! I so hope to meet them maybe around my birthday/Quintons birthday next year. Love u Quinton boy & I am so happy to have gotten to play a small part of your forever family finding you, hope to meet you soon! Love, Leah