
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Welcome Home Mackenzie & Quinton!

Through the months, I have gotten to know 2 awesome moms via email. Though I have only met one of them my life has been intertwined with theirs.
Hansina Mickschl & Carol Miller are such sweet ladies, & I am so happy I have gotten to know them. This post is the ending & beginning of 2 journeys who have touched my heart & life! For you see both Mackenzie & Quinton I fundraised for. As it so happens they traveled around the same time, and had their Gotcha day the exact same day! Heres something written to each of them:
Quinton, From the moment I saw your picture on Reeces Rainbow something about how we shared a birthday touched me. I had originally asked to be Celines Angel Tree Warrior back in September, but she already had one so they asked who I would like to be one for & I said you. I can't quite remember but I did the jbf consignment sale in the fall & I am pretty sure those proceeds went to you. November 1st came around when I posted a post on the RR board & your mom sent me an email saying they were commiting to you! Even though, you found a family before the angel tree started I still bought an ornament with your picture to support your adoption & tried as hard as I could during December to fundraise for you. February came next as I celebrated my 19th birthday & in honor of your 1st birthday I had a celebration for you. I collected change, had birthday gifts of donations, & made you a blanket. I hope you like it once it turns into fall! The last Fundraiser I did for both you & another family adopting was a yard sale. That raised alot of money & I am so glad I got to help! I cried tears of joy knowing now that the hardwork I put into all the various fundraisers paid off, & am so happy to know you are home & doing well! Love you buddy & hope to meet you someday soon!
For Mackenzie, I had followed your brother, John Davids story & he was the 1st orphan I shared via fb. Your mom emailed me asking if I had fundraising suggestions & telling me they were hoping to adopt another RR child which she later said was you. For you see I had never met your mom before, & had just been keeping up to date via fb & blogging. Well, when they had the chickfila fundraiser for you & I just so happen to live so closeby I wanted to meet your momma & your brother. I had the most enjoyable time & from that point on we became fast friends! I had a yard sale for you & another family as well as advertised/supported your other fundraisers your family was doing. I fell in love with you & this "sister/aunty" can't wait to meet you finally!
Welcome home, so glad their is 2 less orphans in this world! Please check out the giveaway! Pray for the girls to find families!


  1. Leah, you are amazing. We feel so blessed to have had you as part of our journey to bring our little boy home. Keep advocating for these orphans and whenever you feel discouraged look at Quinton's picture and remember that you are making a difference.

  2. Beautiful, Leah! You helped two orphans come home! These two babies are just the beginning. You will see many more come home! You are truly an amazing young woman and I am proud to call you my friend.
