
Friday, August 5, 2011

Change for Celine

Some of you may have remembered back in February I decided to collect change for Quinton in honor of his & my birthday month. Well it was a success, if I remember right I know at least $30 in change. Now, some young girls whom I have never met before are currently doing one to raise money for another RR kid coming home to a family. They have raised over $100 so far, so I got inspired to do another change campaign for Celine. My Goal is to raise, $300 in change by the end of August! Yep thats an aweful lot of change but I am trusting God will provide! To add incentive, if we surpass that goal I will do something crazy. Not sure what I will do yet but see if you can beat my goal first lol. Please join me either by praying for it to go well or if you would like to have your own jar for Celine join our facebook event here:

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