
Monday, January 30, 2012

All it took was one

Today I thought I would blog about 1 life who made a difference even in not the best of days. Although I can't share all the details pubicly I will share with you how even in the not so good days you never know when you can make a difference. I will start out this story..
So One evening a friend had invited our family to a Birthday party so off we went
we all were not in our best moods & 1 of us was not too happy about her TV schedule being interupted. Though we were not having the best evening, we did not know the effect a life of our family would have on someone elses life just by merely being at a birthday party even at our unhappiest time. I now know it was Gods plan for us to be there whether it had been the best day or not. I cannot imagine what would have happened if we had decided not to go at all or the certain member in our family to have her way. Though she will probably never understand why she had to go or what entire impact she had on that life it mattered to that one. For you see it all took 1 life to make a difference & in return give me a gift of knowing about the millions of orphans there are in this world & what they face. Thats how my whole blogging & advocating begin it just took 1 to spiral effect into advocating for first Quinton then he found a family, then Celine, Cora Lynne, & many others til their are no more orphans in this world!! See you just never know when 1 life can make a difference even if it may be not a good day & your about to giveup, even whether its small or big YOU MAKE A DIFFERENCE!!! GO MAKE A DIFFERENCE IN SOMEONES LIFE TODAY WHETHER ITS SMALL OR BIG!!! ALL IT TAKES IS 1 LIFE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE!
In times, where I have struggled I have gotten notes, or messages that made a difference when they did not even know it. I could name thousands of people who have made a difference in my life but know I am greatful for every single one of you. I know I can make a difference even if its not the best of days that I can make someone elses day whether its big or small!

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