
Saturday, January 28, 2012

A challenge

wow you all have amazed me BIG TIME!!! You all have raised $1,878.00 for Celine & Heath in a little more than a week! January 16th Heath only had $630 in his grant, now he has $2,470.00!!! Now I wish to issue a CHALLENGE, for you see another girl living in a institution needs a family & funds. For this lost girl to be added to benefit from the Giveaway I would love for Celine to reach $10,000 in her total grant I know thats $2,229.00 to raise but Nothings Impossible with God!! When she gets added I will switch things up a bit on how much per entry as well. WE ONLY HAVE 12 DAYS LEFT TIL THIS GIVEAWAY ENDS LETS BLESS 3 ORPHANS TO GET FOUND!! Stay tune Feb 4th for 1 day only entry deals & a Birthday post for Quinton.


  1. I can't wait to see who the next little one will be!

  2. We have $142.75 as of tonight to donate to Celine:) another friend is sending $40 to go with that and I still have cans to recycle!!! So excited hoping for at least $250!!!
