
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Giveaway ends tomorrow at midnight PT!

Lost Get Found Giveaway ends tomorrow at Midnight PT & winners will be announced Feb 9th. So my experiemental challenge yesterday was way too much to ask but good news is I still want to benefit Masha so if you make a donation of $5 (or more)to her & come back here to leave a comment on the Lost Get Found Giveaway you get 2 entries. Lets help Masha find a family & get her grant to $1,000! Masha, Celine, & Heath ask that you please spread the word about the Giveaway so that they have hope in finding families!!! We have raised over $2,500 for Heath & Celine so far since the Giveaway has started now lets provide a miracle for Masha too!

1 comment:

  1. Donated $12.00 to get Masha to an even $500.00! Just $500.00 more to get to $1,000!!!
