
Monday, February 6, 2012

Lost Girls challenge-TODAY ONLY!!!

Back in December ABC World News aired the Cox family story, they showed a institution & the world fell in love with a little girl named Masha. Andrea Roberts, founder of Reece's Rainbow worked hard on getting her listed so that she can have a loving family & funds for her adoption. I thought for sure she would be snatched up very quickly, but so far no family has stepped forward to adopt precious Masha. Sweet Girl has $278 in her grant fund, less than $1,000 just like Heath did when we 1st started the Lost Get Found Giveaway. For you see both Celine & Masha need families & need to be found! I have seen Miracles happen before so lets make it happen! If Celines grant reaches $10,000 by the end of today I will add Masha to benefit the last 2 days of the Giveaway & add ANOTHER DEAL ONLY TO BENEFIT MASHA ONLY!! LETS HELP THESE 2 LOST GIRLS GET FOUND!!!

1 comment:

  1. Just blogged for you!
