
Monday, April 9, 2012

Thank You for your feedback!

I so appreciate all your feedback you have given me! Sadly their is no way to figure out who had been following before/after I changed the blog address & for that sense I regret changing the name but it was time for a new change on this blog effect. But maybe this means for me to find new people for my blog to minister to? I don't know but I am following my heart on what to do. I am glad to know their are still some reading, even if I am not the greatest blogger in the world. If you want to follow along the new address just click unfollow of the old blog address, type the new blog address in the browser line & I believe you can refollow that way.
Right now I am focussing on a Facebook auction for Brandi so if you know of any shops/stores on there that might want to donate anything girly-tutus, bows, shirts, outfits, etc. let me know at
I will gladly advertise websites of any buissness who wishes to donate!
Again thanks for STICKING WITH ME!! I should have an update on total raised for Celine soon from JBF! If you have any suggestions, thoughts, etc please let me know!

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