
Thursday, April 12, 2012

When God tells you something, you do it!

I was planning to write about something I was born with but will save that for later. Last year, a little girl Brandi who had been listed at least since I first found out about Reeces Rainbow became unavailable due to a new law & sadly her special needs did not make the list. I had fallen for her & "Genesis" now going to be named Sarah by her new family but felt I needed to focus on Celine & Cora Lynne since thats why I had started this blog originally. So I was sad for her & another girl who did not make the cut on that list. I had not really thought much about her since she got taken off Reeces Rainbow til my Birthday Feb 4th when with a friend that day we were discussing Zinnia the other girl who my friend had fallen in love with & I mentioned Brandi out of the blue that she also had been not available for adoption. Strangely enough I felt lead to pray for her that night, & to my shocked surprise I found her relisted the next day! She was about to the age where she could qualify for adoption even though her needs were still not on the list. (which I think now are anyway)I can only ask that God was stirring something in my heart to help this precious girl with cerebal palsy. So naturally, I asked to be her Guardian Angel warrior for that reason & the fact that I felt like I needed to focus & advocate for a child without Down Syndrome since not too many notice the "Other Angels" that have various other special needs. God called me to be her warrior for that reason & I followed what he lead me to do! If he is calling you to adopt DO IT, if he is calling you to pray for a child in need of a family DO IT, if he calls you to advocate for a child DO IT. Let God lead the way for whatever he leads you to do! PRAY, ADVOCATE, ADOPT!!! I am praying Brandis family will find her soon, in the meantime I am trying to fundraise for this precious girl that God told me to pray for!


  1. Thank you for this post as I have been called to pray and advocate for Brent!...I know my friends and some of my family don't get it. But I do!and you do too, this is something that was laid on my heart to do and I am going with it because I know God has a plan for Brent.

    1. thanks for sharing! Not everyone gets my passion for the orphans either but thats never going to stop making me do what I can to help! I keep praying for their hearts to change & the doors to be flung wide open.

  2. leah I love your heart and i love the way you follow God's voice. Brandi is a darling, i adore the picture of her at the piano! will add her into the forget-me-not friday gallery now i have some space! xxxx

    so happy you joined me on this new link-up, so lovely to have company on week 1 x
