
Saturday, July 7, 2012

My Smile is as big as the Moon!

Literally that's what happened today as I got several comments one of which was Negative thanks "t" you made my day really shine! I will write up what I wanted to write later today so don't be surprised if their are 2 blogposts from me today. I just want to thank all my readers for reading my blog even if I get boring or don't write for several days you still keep blessing & encouraging me in many ways! You say, I inspire you well I say YOU DO FOR ME! You are the ones that keep me going as well as these kids! I'm not going to stop yelling for Reece's Rainbow or the kiddos listed with them! I respect your opinions, but please respect mine. I have had several local friends who have brought kids home which I would have never met had it not been for Reece's Rainbow! Andrea R. rocks!!! I mean come on 500+ kids home in 6 years!!! So if your going to be negative go right ahead to make my day brighter again :)


  1. ha ha! Are you heaping hot coals on the "t" heads? Don't you dare let any of them bring you down, Leah!! Hoping to come by your house today...will text to see if you're home first :)

  2. I'm lousy at commenting too! But your blog is on my blog roll and so I am always checking out your site....but I know it helps when people comment!!!! Keep it up!!!!

    1. thanks stephanie!! I really appreciate what you have done & I hope someday I can meet you in person!
