
Friday, July 6, 2012

The commentless blog

Okay I don't know whats wrong but I have had several good blogposts lately & yet to hear from anyone about them. I honestly know not everyone can comment on everyones blog & I truly know people are reading without leaving a comment most times which I am not hurt by at all about not many leaving comments as I know you have your lifes to live. But really not even a "friendly" comment from a beloved "friend" since June 24th? I know I was boring for awhile being gone & not knowing what or how to write but still really? No opinions about anything?  I know I am not one of the "coolest" or "popular" bloggers blogging everyday nor am I that great with words but I try. I am proud of myself in the way I have grown since starting this blog which was only a paragraph for each post but now has gotten more involved. Each time an idea pops into my head for a blogpost I try to either blog it or write it down right away otherwise I forget what I was going to say. Today I am going to happily reshare some of my blogposts I feel are some of my best posts as of recently cause they are just worth sharing about again!
No Matter What Trust God!
Cliff Jumping & Matching Grants!
Scrapbooking for the Menges-this is a fundraiser for another family!
The Family of Bears Portrait
6 Years of Life Changing!

So if you have never read my blog starting reading with these or start anywhere in the past but these are so good! I would love to hear your thoughts on those posts! In my comment box below I made a lovely suggestion of asking questions so feel free to ask! If I have an answer to the sibling questions I might just send you back to some of the blogposts I have written but I will certainly try my best to answer whatever questions you might have!


  1. I love your enthusiasm to help these kiddos!


  2. Yes, the negative ones mean that the devil is ticked, so I always love those! Keep on advocating!

  3. KEEP ON LEAH... I am lousy at making comments but I read every one of your posts!! You inspire me!

    1. thanks Julia! You inspire me every single post you write! No worries! Thanks for continuing to read even if I am a tad boring.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Anonymous thanks you for visiting us today have a nice day & Plenty of smiles!
