
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My Beautiful Butterfly, Brandi

 Yay! Finally back to teamwork Tuesday & it's one of my Beautiful Butterfly's turn! I have mentioned Brandi before but I did not realize til today it's her Birthday on Friday. My beautiful butterfly, will be 5 years old. She should be celebrating with presents, cake, & ice cream playing with her little friends from Kindergarten not facing a Mental institution. Is it a mere circumstance that I have 5 lovely pictures of her? My favorite is first. She looks like such a happy girl! Yes Mommy I know I have cerebal palsy & mild hearing loss but don't let that scare you! My advocate & Guardian Angel warrior, knows some awesome adult friends both with cerebal palsy & they let nothing stop them! They are married & have 2 sons, not to mention a church for the disabled.
April 12, 2012 I wrote the following:
I was planning to write about something I was born with but will save that for later. Last year, a little girl Brandi who had been listed at least since I first found out about Reeces Rainbow became unavailable due to a new law & sadly her special needs did not make the list. I had fallen for her & "Genesis" now going to be named Sarah by her new family but felt I needed to focus on Celine & Cora Lynne since thats why I had started this blog originally. So I was sad for her & another girl who did not make the cut on that list. I had not really thought much about her since she got taken off Reeces Rainbow til my Birthday Feb 4th when with a friend that day we were discussing Zinnia the other girl who my friend had fallen in love with & I mentioned Brandi out of the blue that she also had been not available for adoption. Strangely enough I felt lead to pray for her that night, & to my shocked surprise I found her relisted the next day! She was about to the age where she could qualify for adoption even though her needs were still not on the list. (which I think now are anyway)I can only ask that God was stirring something in my heart to help this precious girl with cerebal palsy. So naturally, I asked to be her Guardian Angel warrior for that reason & the fact that I felt like I needed to focus & advocate for a child without Down Syndrome since not too many notice the "Other Angels" that have various other special needs. God called me to be her warrior for that reason & I followed what he lead me to do! If he is calling you to adopt DO IT, if he is calling you to pray for a child in need of a family DO IT, if he calls you to advocate for a child DO IT. Let God lead the way for whatever he leads you to do! PRAY, ADVOCATE, ADOPT!!! I am praying Brandis family will find her soon, in the meantime I am trying to fundraise for this precious girl that God told me to pray for!

Don't I have that curious expression?

A toy, can bring a simple pleasure. Sadly I won't get any toys of my own for my Birthday.

Maybe I would love to learn to play the Piano just like any other child
              This picture I think is most recent. She looks so sad.
                 Maybe she was having a bad day? who knows?
No little girl deserves to go without parents for her 5th Birthday. will you make sure its her last? Go donate $5 in honor of her 5th Birthday. Skip that starbucks or whatever & go donate it to her grant. I will be thinking of her September 15th, 10 days after her Birthday fundraising at my yard sale for her. Would it not rock if I could raise $500 for her as a belated Birthday gift? She has a grant of only $106.20 now which is better than what it was but still. Please pray for it to go well! Think your her family? Contact Andrea at Reeces Rainbow or go see my highlighted name for more information about me!
We are all blogging today on Teamwork Tuesday go see my friends posts they wrote about me!
Saving Emmitt and Victoria
God's will be done
Tripping Differently
Love Leaving Legacy
You will go out with Joy 

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