
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Trip of a lifetime

Last month I wrote a blogpost announcing I am going to Russia! Little did I know when I said Yes that God would provide almost all of the funds needed for a passport & visa in a month! This is a trip of a lifetime & I am praying he will provide the rest needed to go! Can you please pray for the yard sale I will be having September 15th which will benefit me going & benefiting Brandi who still is waiting for her forever family? I'm having Faith in Gods timing, as he has shown me so much this past week. Its not easy asking for help I know adoptive families go through the same thing but this is a trip of a life time to experience a new culture, new sights, & another country. Not to mention helping an awesome friend with her newly adopted daughter! I do have a "insert gulp" chipin to the right if you would like to donate but please don't think you need to.
If I get all $139 before the yard sale then I will donate part of yard sale proceeds to my original intention of helping the family I am going with. They still need funds & I intend to help them in anyway possible!

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