
Monday, September 17, 2012

A Matching grant opportunity!

As you know on Saturday I had a yard sale to fundraise for Brandi & my trip to Russia well it was a success! Since I Love it when my donation is matched I decided that I would offer this up as a matching grant for BrandiThough its a small match every little bit helps! Her grant is at $124.70 now, when it reaches $306.70 I will
donate $182 to her grant maybe more as I still have a few items I sold! Once that happens her grant will be at $488.70! That's almost halfway to $1,000! Don't you want to see this beautiful girl find her family? She just turned 5 not too long ago & deserves the love a family can bring not a mental institution!
I have told the story, about how God lead me to help her but if you did not get the chance to read it you can here & here
My heart has been burdened by this plight of special needs orphans & I know the potential this girl has cause some dear friends of mine have cerebal palsy. They are living their lives to the fullest ministering to the special needs community in Denver, CO by doing their own church. Trust me they let nothing stop them! They see abilities not disabilities! Don't you see that in Brandi? Will you pray for her today? I am not begging for donations but just want to throw this matching grant out there cause I see the potential in her. God lead me to help her & even though this is not a huge matching offer I am wanting to do this for her. She started with a simple zero in her grant & when she got relisted my goal was to zero that zero then keep it growing! I did an auction which mostly got her grant to where it is at then I wanted to boost her grant more since I Cora Lynnes & Celines both were higher grants so I decided to do the yard sale for her. I Love this girl dearly! If you consider Brandi you can also go get Lianne too! They would make adorable sisters just saying! Please pray they both find a family or families! If your interested in either or both girls contact Reeces Rainbow!

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