
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Passion

I have a passion, a passion so deep of love for special needs orphans.  This passion is something I love to do. I feel God gave me the gift of serving, loving, & caring for others. Caring for the orphans is hard work & frustrating at times especially when the orphans I fundraise for have not found their forever families. They are lost, forgotten, unloved. I am praying for them every night & it still makes me wonder where their families are? They have large grants but they still wait.

Growing up with my sister with Down Syndrome little did I know the impact that would make on my life. 
I have learned so much through my sister & through my mom parenting her with her other issues not related to her Down Syndrome. She has inspired me so much & I know God has given me my caring heart that someday I can be a mom to one of these special treasures. 

It hurts my depths of my heart that I am so passionate about this cause & these kids feel like my own kids. I cry alot thinking about why have they not had families come for them? I would in an instant if I was older. That's my road block for now but I know that right now I do all I can to help fundraise for their future families. So whats stopping you? It breaks my heart when I see my 3rd year a part of Reeces Rainbow that Celine & Cora Lynne still wait. I am happy & sad at the same time about the Angel Tree campaign this year being Celines Christmas warrior. Sad she has been listed for so long without a family & sad cause I am not Cora Lynnes Christmas warrior since I was hers in 2010 & 2011. Cora Lynne is not eligible cause she is 6 years old & was not picked for the voting rounds. Then I get sad when I think about that Cora Lynne was listed late into the angel tree campaign in 2010 & here she waits 2 years later. It just is so hard but then again God made life that way. It was hard for his son to die on the cross for our sins wasn't it? But he pressed on to do it FOR US! So I continue to press on for the orphans cause God wants me to! I am so thankful for this passion he has given me cause I would not have it any other way!

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