
Sunday, September 30, 2012

Following Gods Calling

I have written a bit about this before but today I am telling the story of how God called us to serve at Alternatives Pregnancy Center. So sometime in 2006 or 2007 I believe God gave us various "signs" through many people telling us about the Center. We heard about it from a fellow homeschool group mom, my friend Nancy from knitting who volunteers there, & an invite to their banquet from a family at church. Mom just knew we needed to go check this place out & so we did. The day we walked into Alternatives I knew I wanted to help even if back then the job we eventually started doing there was A CRAZY DISORGANIZED MESS in the donation intake room FILLED with baby items BIG & SMALL. What I loved then & still do since we first started is the "Nursery Nook" store for the moms to shop for much needed baby items. What we do once a week is package wipes & diapers, go through donations, & organize/hang outfits for the Nook! When we first started we were in one building but just recently they have moved after being there for 19+ years. Gods calling is no easy picnic at times but when he wants us somewhere we should say Yes no matter how easy or hard it is to do! We have been volunteering for about 6 years now & we both love what we do!

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