
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Happy Birthday to you!

Sometime this week a precious girl who stole my heart will turn 7 years old. 7 years of waiting & waiting & more waiting for her forever family to come find her. Happy 7th Birthday this week, Celine!
I love you dearly & I pray this is your last year without a family! I want you to be home next year not in a orphanage. Are you her forever family? contact Andrea at Reeces Rainbow! For those that can't adopt can you please donate just $7 in honor of her 7th Birthday this week? I have nothing to Giveaway or do but their is a matching grant going on right now for her which you can check out here!
7 prayers of wishes in this coming year:
1-Prayer for you to be loved & cherished on your Birthday & everyday.
2-for you to stay healthy in the coming year
3-for your future family 
4-That I can see you on the my family found me page on Reeces Rainbow.
5-for the government in your country to move faster with international adoptions
6-that you will know that Jesus Loves You!
7-Lastly to know how your a loved special treasure & I Love you dearly & working so hard on your behalf to raise your adoption grant. Praying for you everyday that your family will come.
Celebrating your life this week by having cupcakes! I will have your Birthday card waiting til you find your family. Happy 7th Birthday this week Precious girl! Love you lots & lots!!! Feel free to wish her a Happy Birthday in the comments so I can add it to her scrapbook when she finds a family to look back to see how loved she is! Leah


  1. Happy Birthday Celine!!!!! You are loved. Praying that your family will find you this year.

    Stephanie Lynch

  2. Happy Birthday Celine! We see you and think of you often, we are nameless and faceless people to you but we are here! We will delight in all you become and all that you already are! Celine you are loved, even before you knew it! xxxxx
