
Friday, October 5, 2012

Yes, It is worth it!

Wednesday October 3rd I had the pleasure of getting to hold another precious RR babe & welcome her into her new life in America at the airport. Honestly, I had not kept up much with their journey & had never met the mom before. I participated in an online auction for her to get something for the pregnancy center & talked to the mom a few times about fundraisers. I had not planned on going to a airport homecoming or even thought I would be here but when I got a message from my friend I had met before saying that it was tomorrow & I was in town awaiting my nephew-to-be arrival so I jumped at the chance to meet another family! When we arrived, it was just us three waiting then soon we were joined by Megan's sister, & their mom. I thought it was just going to be us but then our party started to grow. As we were waiting thinking she would come down the escalator she approached at our group from behind. Apparently they told her a round about way to go so no pictures or video of the exact moment of seeing them but that's perfectly alright.Yes, I even purposely wore my RR shirt! She is just so precious for words!

Welcome home Megan & Sophia! I'm so glad I got to come! This is only my 2nd welcome home at the airport & 6th Reece's Rainbow treasure to meet! Everytime I am re-reminded that Yes, it is worth it! It helped brighten my spirits from having some hard moments thinking of Celine & gave me the chance to chat more with my friend I am going to be traveling with to Eastern Europe to bring her daughter home. I can't imagine being on the other side coming down to this loving group who has supported you & I can't wait til its my turn to adopt someday! I hope to have that same love & support poured out to me. In the meantime I keep praying for my friends process to pickup speed & keep saving as much as I can for whenever I go on that trip! Its going to be so interesting to see the welcome home from the other side of the escalator with my friend but it will be fun.
See how much potential & love these kids have?
Can you please do me a few favors?
One my friend still is short on funds & needs some help! Please check out her auction on Facebook! if you don't do facebook leave a comment for her to place a bid here. She has a little bit of everything! Need a Halloween costume for your child? She has some cute disney costumes available! Need some gift for a Birthday or want to do some early Christmas shopping? She has something for that too! I even donated some items I met that have no bids yet so please go check the baby girl layette items I knitted! have no baby girl? have it donated to the pregnancy center I volunteer at!

Next do you recall when I said something about a pie in the face for baby Jacob? well life kept getting in the way, then when we had the stuff we kept forgetting. Well since Celine's 7th Birthday was this week I had wanted to make cupcakes in her honor & since I never got pied in the face I decided what the heck I will have cupcake shoved in my face for Jacob & Celine. We have this on video, but theirs a catch. I want very badly to send off the money I offered as a matching grant so I am holding the video captive til I see her grant read $10,511.40! That's only $97 to go! $7 for her 7th Birthday! If you can't donate please send her a birthday prayer/wish comment here. Thanks! 

1 comment:

  1. lol a cupcake in the face...loving that! and boy those pictures are amazing! so happy you got to be there xxxx
