
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

When you say Yes to God

Trusting God is not very easy, Saying Yes to what God has planned is not easy but you obey & listen. God broke my heart for the orphans & told me I needed to do something to help. Was it hard when I was only 18 years at the time I started when I had little money? Most would say I am such & such age, I am too young to do anything to help. If I had listened to what I use to think would I be who I am today? Through many trials & tears days I would wonder why God? Celine, is so precious why has she waited this long for a family? But God has instilled it in my heart for a reason.
Last week my mom had suggested to me not to post my links so much on Facebook & to let it sink in for a few days so I did. That's when I got an idea formed I had been praying for Celine & had heard of others doing 24 hr prayer vigils so why not do one for her? So I took a step of faith doing it & the very next day I get lots of notifications on fb tagging me so I go look at each one then I spotted the one that said Go read your email. I go to my email box & their is a message from my friend Patti with the title God Hears Your Prayers. I wonder what it is about? As soon as I read the message my mouth dropped & tears poured out of my eyes. Two donors had donated HUGE amounts which meant Celine was about $400 away from reaching her matching grant! Read Gods awesome story about that here. Yesterday was also great as Celines grant took soaring! Now only $122.40 stands in the way! God is so awesome! At the beginning of the month I was unsure about the matching grant & was trying so hard to figure out how to do a fundraiser when I was not planning on doing anything til Angel Tree starts in November. I was overwhelmed & God knew I needed to just not do fundraising this month. I want to send a HUGE THANKS TO MY PARTNER IN AWESOMENESS PATTI for hosting the Nikon Giveaway & for being such a good encourager to me even when it was slow moving. I can never say THANK YOU ENOUGH TO THE DONOR OF THE CAMERA & $5,000 MATCH!!! When you say Yes to God it can be the best thing even if you don't know it yet! Love you Sweet Celine & will do anything to help bring you home with a family! I managed to donate $5 this week, will you do the same for one special little girl who has took my breath away? Your $5 will be matched so it will really be $10! Let's get this done & surpass the match!!!


  1. That is so awesome!!! I know Celine is going to make it...still praying for a family before Christmas.

    Stephanie Lynch

  2. i am speechless and in awe! so excited for everyone and especially Celene xxxx
