
Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Miracle of Prayer

The power of prayer, wow it works wonders folks! Have I mentioned its free & only costs of your time? 5 days ago I wrote a blogpost about leaving it all in Gods hands & trusting him. While I wrote that blogpost Celines grant jumped right before my eyes! Right not too long after that I got an idea from talking with my mom.  I started thinking why not do a day of prayer for her? I barely had time to put it together or make a spreadsheet of hours in which to pray for Celine but I just made do with what I had the time to do. So I setup the event, & sent the invites out thinking no one would respond. Boy was I wrong! Out of 129 ivites sent out, 30 (that includes me) said yes I will pray. I tried as best as I could to pray from midnight-1am PST but I was on the way home from my trip & trying to make sure my mom stayed awake & was super tired myself but I prayed. Yesterday all around the USA 30 people were praying on behalf of Celine. Just that gives me shivers, this morning when I got up & checked my facebook I found several postings by my friend telling me to go check out Celines grant & then to go check my email. I was shocked! Last night Celines grant was $12,100.90, today I looked & it was $13,000.90! It had grown by $900 overnight! That folks is the power of prayer! God is so awesome right now! Looking forward to whats to come! Prayer is just so precious, if you can't do anything else for the orphans can you pray for them? Celine thanks you for all the prayers! They are working!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea it was, Leah!! What a joy to see it jump up like that! Good job :D
