
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Just keep on swimming

Everytime I see Celines face it just makes me wonder

The past few days I have seen ZERO DONATIONS. It breaks my heart not seeing it move but I keep on as Dory says "Just Keep Swimming"! I'm praying for hearts to be changed & life's to be touched for Celines sake. Trusting in God is no easy task but after sending a message to my friend asking her to pray then rereading some of my older blogposts I was slapped in the face that I should trust him! He knows if Celine will meet her matching grant or not, he knows when she will find her family, he knows when her adoption will be fully funded. 
Tonight I lay it all down cause I know that God says this in the bible.
Romans 8:28
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
God has a plan for Celine, & I will trust him with that.

I know she is not just a photo but a real person. This is from someone who recently got to meet Celine:
  • "In July we traveled to meet our daughter for the first time. While we were there we were able to meet Celine. She came up to us and gave me a hug and stroked the side of my face. She had 2 braids with big bows on the ends and she looks to have thinned out some. She looked very cute and healthy. When we were leaving she blew us kisses goodbye.The institution she is in is a very good one but the orphanage director is very excited to have children adopted from his orphanage. He has said that even though he loves the children he knows they would do so much better with a family."
    She is a REAL PERSON just like you & me! I will say that from my friends report she looks a lot different from her most recent photo & is not as chunky. She still has her spunky personality like in the photos of her smiling! 
    Won't someone get her please?
    Tears streaming down my face it just jumped $180 right before my eyes! Molly Conley is getting pied yahoo!!!!
    Is God awesome or what? Please keep on praying, donating, or sharing!!! Whatever you do helps get her closer to finding her family! For all the ways you can help Celine go here & here!

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