
Monday, November 12, 2012

A Teamwork effort like no other!

As I struggled awhile back how to best help Celine I wondered if their was anyone out their that loved her as much as I did. I decided to form a private group, Celines Shooting Stars. Over time I found several new found friends who wished they could adopt her but could not for various reasons so they were added to the team to help! We all started working together as a team to help her grant grow in any way we can. Our ultimate goal would be to have her grant fully funded and/or she find a family by Christmas! Well, I can certainly say we kinda got one of those accomplished. Though her grant is HIGHER then most, she still IS NOT fully funded according to the cost to adopt from her country but still awesome progress from where she was at when I first discovered her on Reece's Rainbow. Soon, we got it to over $10,000 then that's when the fabulous news happened! A $5,000 matching grant was to be offered! Oh what glorious news! So we all prayed & shared, prayed & shared hoping Celine would meet her match. When she did we all shouted with Joy! Then the unexpected additional funds came in & we all were purely blown away! I soon discovered where part of that came from. Now I have to take you back to April when Celines grant jumped by $1,000 unexpectedly. I don't remember how I found this new friend exactly but I soon discovered how awesome God was to provide through pure simple homemade pie. I want to tell you that this friend did this again & $2,400 came in which was HUGE after the matching grant was met. Thing is I take no credit at all for the miracle of Celines grant these past few months! It was A TEAMWORK EFFORT TO BRING HER GRANT FROM $8,500 9 MONTHS AGO TO OVER $27,000 TODAY! TO ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE PLAYED PART IN WATCHING THIS MIRACLE UNFOLD I THANK YOU!!! CELINES MOM, WHOEVER YOU MAY BE KNOW YOUR DAUGHTER IS DEARLY LOVED!! God has still work to be done on behalf of Celine! 

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