
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Happy Birthday Mom & Pink Princess!

I have been so incredibly blessed by such a wonderful family but today I want to say how much I appreciate my Mom & older sister. Today, is Pink Princess 25th Birthday & also my Moms Birthday. It's so sweet that they can share their special day together. Last year, I did 24 reasons why I am thankful for Pink Princess but this year I have decided not to. Their are just so many reasons that I can't put them all into words.
Plus very often I feel my mom gets kinda "lost" in the shuffle cause she is always helping Pink Princess with her Birthday plans. So I am going to start by saying I love my mom dearly. Next to God she is one of my greatest friends who listens to me, cares for me when I am sick, & gives me good advice! Having a mom who has raised us, 6 kids helps when I have hard times knowing what to do in certain situations when babysitting. From taxi driver to teacher, to helper, to supporter she is the best mom I could ever ask for! Mom, I love you so much & am honored to be your daughter! Proud of you mom! Happy Birthday! Yes, I decided to be nice about your age for once lol. I also like to say she has done an amazing job at spreading the word about Reece's Rainbow!

Though I kinda did an early post about Pink Princess I do want to say I love her so much & am proud of her accomplishments! She has truly make remarkable strides & I just wish all people would see her ABILITY not disability.
Dear sis, I want you to know how proud I am of you! You shine for God in your dancing skills! Happy 25th Birthday! I still can't believe you are that grown up. Seems like yesterday we were little kids right? I love you so so much!
I wish kids in other countries could have the same opportunities as my sister does.

I wish I could tell parents who get a prenatal diagnosis of Down Syndrome your child is a blessing.

I wish I could tell families in Eastern Europe that these kids CAN be accepted & Loved. 
I wish their were resources & support for families with special needs children overseas.   
Though, I can't do much about changing those things I do want to say CHANGE CAN HAPPEN. We need to spread that awareness! I am so thankful for the 25 years my sister has lived & I can't wait for the years to come! I am truly thankful for these two in my life!

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