
Monday, December 3, 2012

A beautiful butterfly found!

I was not planning on posting today but I woke up to glorious news, one of my beautiful butterflies have been found! 
Carmen, the one who my sister donated to back in 2010 as my Christmas present & the one "Santa" donated to as well. The girl I have her ornament from last year hanging on my tree & the girl I have written on my prayer request card at church several times. Oh yipee finally God another one of "my kids" rescued!!! I never will stop praying for these kids & so glad my prayer was heard for this precious girl! Praying for her family as they begin this process.
THANK YOU GOD FOR GIVING THIS GIRL A FAMILY & FOR ANSWERING MY PRAYER FOR HER! I was shocked when I found out about it. My reaction was priceless but when my other girls find their families I will go NUTS.

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