
Monday, December 3, 2012

A God story

Once upon a time there was a girl, she wanted to crawl in a deep hole & never come out. She was discouraged & disappointed in herself. She blogged a post cause she wanted it all out in the open. After she wrote the long post she decided to go up to her room for bed. She poured her heart & soul to God as the tears kept streaming down her cheeks.  As she said her pleading prayers before she went to sleep one of the things she prayed for was for New hearts to open & lives to be touched. 7am came around the next day, she woke from a bad dream regarding the thing she was passionate about but she was determined that the devil was not welcome.
She went back to sleep at peace that things would get better. She later awoke that day to head off to church on a very yucky day. When she walked into service she was quite shocked when a new friend she did not know very well gave her a gift. What that friend did not know she was an answer to a prayer. Then few seconds later as the girl scooted into her row to her seat that God would use another friend to bless her today. As the worship band began to play the tears in her eyes clearly flowed like a river. I guess she needed a little cheer today. God touched her heart today & I think she remembered the true reason for Christmas. Christ was given to us just as my friends gave me gifts today. Please remember the reason for the season. Its better to give than to receive! What I did not realize my life would be the one that's touched as well. Thank God for good friends! Oh what would my life be without them!
Thank you all who left comments of good cheer on yesterdays post!
Celine, my prayer was answered & you will be blessed by this new friends gift.

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