
Friday, December 21, 2012

Gifts of Love

Gosh I have tried to sit down & blog for a few days now but it was nice to have a brief week break. It's been a busy time of year like usual. I have not had much to blog more than the same old thing since what I wrote last & have wanted to let that post sink in more. First of all I briefly want to notify you of what Sevenly is doing this week ONLY for Reece's Rainbow! See my new temporary blog button on the right? Well, you can get that gift for the man or teen guy in your life & $7 of it will benefit Reece's Rainbow! They have all sorts of neat shirts & hoodies for us Ladies too so be sure to check it out & spread the word!! This week the goal is to raise $25,000 in sales to give $1,000 each to 25 kids! The goal has been met for 14 kids now just 6 more to go! Even greater if it gets past the goal they will choose more kids to benefit! I'm looking forward to wearing my new shirt once it arrives! Thanks sis again! 

This year has truly been like any other Christmas. As with most of you know this economy has been pretty bad. It is a bit tight for a lot of people to spend money on Christmas gifts this year well since alot of my siblings/parents don't have much to spend this year those of us who could not buy gifts gave acts of service instead. As you already know my list was short of what I wanted this year anyway so I thought it was a good idea especially when your one of 6 kids, 5 still at home & an unofficial "adopted" brother living with us plus our parents. It was tricky to come up with gifts of service so when the opportunty came up to wrap gifts at a bookstore for Reeces Rainbow & my mom was unavailable I was lucky that my brother was coming home from college the weekend before. My mom suggested why not ask him? He said of course!
Wednesday, December 19th we wrapped gifts for 4 hours telling about Reeces Rainbow not expecting any certain amount of donations. Well, while there $42 in donations came in! It was such a blast hanging out with my brother chatting away & teaching him new gift wrapping skills for the corners. I did better wrapping than I thought I would! His gift of love I will always cherish more than a wrapped gift underneath the Christmas tree. Cause spending time with the ones you love is Important.

I am so proud to have a brother who is so willingly giving of his time to help his somewhat crazy sister raise awareness for the charity she loves! $35 of which was raised went to get an ornament of this love who has a family coming!

Another gift of Love someone gave to me was my new friend "L". She was my secret Santa at my Ladies small group gift exchange & gosh her gift made me cry a little bit at home later. First she gave me a recordable ornament with a photo slot which is perfect cause I wanted to get something for Cora Lynnes newer photo & I get to leave a special message for her in it. The 2nd you will see in the picture
I don't know if she will ever know that's all I asked for & brings me so much JOY to see New friends supporting what I love most. This Christmas 3 new friends gave me Gifts of Love for Reeces Rainbow & wish I could give them JOY like they have shared with me cause I know that's one gift God Loves us to Give! As much as I love presents I truly believe Gifts of Love shared with others is far better than presents under the tree! So Please go share his light with others this Christmas & remember the real reason for the season is Jesus!

1 comment:

  1. What a great gift he gave you...way to go, Matthew! I love to wrap gifts,and I wish I could have done it more! The life of a mom with 4 kids kind of takes up my time though. :D

