
Saturday, December 15, 2012

This Little Light of Mine I'm going to let it Shine!

There's a little flame inside us all
Some SHINE bright
Some SHINE small
The rains will come
And the waters rise
But don't you EVER lose your LIGHT!

In this life you will know
LOVE and pain
Joy and Sorrow
So when it hurts
When times get Hard
Don't forget who's child you are

This little light of mine 
I'm gonna let it SHINE
This little light of mine
I'm Gonna let it SHINE
Let it SHINE, Let it SHINE, Let it SHINE!!!!
I know I kinda took two versions & blended them together but I wanted you to get the idea. Yesterday, 12/14 was a tragic day for this country with mourning & death of many precious children, teachers, a principal, & other adults. I had not thought about how truly fitting this song is after several tragedies this past week my heart aches for all the families of yesterdays shooting in CT, what happened in China, & the shooting at the mall in Oregon this past week. 

My heart was broken at my news feed on facebook exploded with prayers & wishes to the victims but what got to me the most was what some of the students that survived said in the middle of when it was happening."I just want Christmas...I don't want to die. I just want to have Christmas." 

For you see all these kids were about to celebrate & were looking forward to Christmas. 20 of them won't be celebrating this Christmas sadly but they are in the arms of Jesus thankfully.

We have much to be thankful for and want to squeeze our family members even tighter than before cause you just never know what day might be your last.
In light of this tragedy I want to share with you some kids who likely will not be celebrating Jesus birth or receive any presents this Christmas. 
These kids are typically cast aside in orphanages & Mental institutions cause society in their country has yet to accept them for who they are.

So in honor of the kids who did not live,
Can you make this their last Christmas without a family?
#1 Please visit Reeces Rainbow for more information on how to adopt one of these precious kids
#2 Not in a position to donate or adopt? Then PLEASE SPREAD THE WORD!!!
#3 If you can donate go spread some love to the Angel Tree babes!

Through the DARKNESS I'm going to let it SHINE!!!!
Will you??
Another way to help SHINE God's LIGHT is by helping to provide Warm outfits & sleepers as well as other needed items for Alternatives Pregnancy Center. I have decided since Celine has reached her goal if anyone else wants to give me something for Christmas I have made wishlists on amazon & target. But since I had a chipin on here I decided to change it up a bit.
So if you want to provide diapers for babies?
Or fun toys for Christmas?
Sleepers & warm clothes for the winter season?
If you feel lead to contribute this goes directly to my paypal account & is not tax deductible. All funds will be used to get MUCH NEEDED ITEMS for Alternatives Pregnancy Center. SHINE YOUR LIGHT TODAY!!!

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