
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

My Christmas wish

Though I have already mentioned my Christmas wish several times on this blog I wanted to tell you about it yet again. 
My wish would be for the orphans of this world to have families but especially this Christmas I wish for families for the 5 of "my kids" that remain as orphans. I had hope & prayed for Carmen now I will keep praying & have that same hope for Heath, Alden, Cora Lynne, Celine, & Brandi. Even when 2 of those are in a difficult region, even when their is no updates/new picture/donate button for Alden, even when 3 of them are in one of the most expensive countries to adopt from, even if I fret & worry about Cora Lynne & Brandi if they have been transferred already & if they are in a good institution or a bad one, or if I am afraid that Cora Lynne is stuck in a crib all day, even if I don't understand why Heath is still waiting when he is FULLY FUNDED I trust in Gods timing cause he knows when they each will find families & when they will come home.  

One of the best gifts I could ever ask for next to a family for anyone of "my kids" is donations to Celine so that when her family adopts her cost will not be an issue. I have started a chipin cause that's my Christmas wish & hope for her to find a family AND REACH HER ANGEL TREE GOAL. I have no fancy prizes to giveaway or fancy items to sell for her. Want to know something else? The two most hits I have ever gotten on a blogpost were the Giveaways I have done. Nothing against doing Giveaways, but is it too much to ask without expecting anything in return? Sadly, that's just not the way this world works apparently. To be honest I have yet to do another Giveaway since the Lost Get Found one back in January cause frankly I am exhausted from doing them & both times I have had mixups happen plus I want to reach out & spread the word in the local community. I wish that my Giveaway posts were not the top two read posts or the ones with the most comments cause I have done more meaningful posts & I wish those were read more than people checking out the Giveaway I did back in October 2011 or the one in January 2012 .I have already scrounged together stuff to auction off & if you wish to check that out you can do so here.
Please help my Christmas wish come true & bless This precious girl that if I was older I would adopt in an instant! There is nothing I ever could NEED OR WANT MORE then BLESSING ANOTHER OF THE LEAST OF THESE. So I ask instead of the candle I will never use or the yarn which I already have too much of (or any other craft for that matter!), or the gift card to Michaels as much as I love shopping there I don't truly NEED IT will you give me a gift of LOVE BY DONATING to this Pretty Princess? Even $5 can make a difference to this precious girl! Think $5 can't make a difference? well go back to read my post here
She is has gotten so far on her angel tree goal, but I can't take the credit for that one cause God has managed to bring about $490 through total strangers some of which thanks in part to my wonderful friend, Julia Nalle's Giveaway she has going on for all the Angel Tree babes! God managed to provide like that last year when I was Cora Lynnes warrior too cause I did not do that much for her. But she is still $272.50 away! Even though I have saved change (about $7) & have a gift still to donate from a friend it still leaves her short! Thus far $32 has been raised through the Auction & it ends Saturday so I am still hopeful it will raise more.
Will you make my wish come true?

Just look at this girls smile! Although this picture is older, I know from someone who has met her how bright she truly is & how she would be a wonderful daughter to someone! Won't you be my HOPE FOR CHRISTMAS PLEASE?

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