
Friday, February 8, 2013

1 Year ago-God calling & a Giveaway like no other!

First of all I want to reflect at one year ago today I was ending the biggest Giveaway I had ever done before called the Lost Get Found Giveaway!! here we are today & I have raised more than I did at this time last year during that Giveaway!!
Over $3,000 has been raised by the chipin, Leatherbys, & various gifts by friends & strangers!!! Praise God!!! Though the chipin has now ended with a total of $2,291.41 raised :) it is still not too late to donate towards the $21,000 goal! You can still write a check made out to Reece's Rainbow & put in the subject line Leah's 21 for 21 & it will get to the right place. I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU for donating & sharing!!! Theirs no way I could have done this all on my own!!! 
If the girls could say thank you I am sure they would!!!
I am working on a way to redo the thing my sister made that has the Reece's Rainbow address so others can still donate so please look for that so you can still spread the word! One way or the other we will get there!
One year ago on Feb 4th I had been chatting with my friend about this little girl & another who had been listed on Reece's Rainbow for quite awhile but had to be taken off because they no longer were qualified for adoption due to a new special needs list. I had not even thought about Brandi before but felt like God wanted me to pray for her that night. Feb 5th, the next day she was relisted as her needs were added to the list and/or she was close to the age where the list did not play part for her to be adopted. I was in total shock mode. I had been focussed on the kids with ds & had never noticed the "other angels" before so I decided to become her Guardian Angel warrior til she comes home to help her. Slowly but surely her grant has gotten over $300 already since she got relisted! I hope it will grow even more this year!! I'm doing the consignment sale in March for her to benefit from.
I said Yes, God I will pray for this girl even though at the time I wondered why he so heavily put her on my heart on that particular night. He has a plan for her life that's for sure! Here's the most reccent blogpost I wrote about that time, My Beautiful Butterfly Brandi

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