
Monday, February 18, 2013

Good news!!!

I have come back to tell you some good news!! You know Brandi, the girl God led me to pray 1 year ago?
Well, excitedly a young teen girl has taken an even GREATER TASK THAN my $21,000 goal, to raise $50,000 for 5 orphans & Ms Brandi is one of the ones she chose to benefit!! Praise God he took the little by little method I was starting with to over $10,000 in her grant!!! To learn more about what she is doing visit here & watch her video at the bottom of the page & then PLEASE SHARE!!!

Also on a update on the 21 for 21 campaign, I have gotten yet more donations which brings the total still to raise $17,543.96 to go!!! Thanks again to all my friends & family for their love & support of my goal!!! I could not ask for a better Birthday Present than helping the least of these!!
Please keep on the lookout with March 21st being world Down syndrome day & all I hope to have a series of posts & some more fundraiser ideas to continue on Leah's 21 for 21! I have a few things to work out since sadly chipin is closing down. If you have any questions for me about my life as a sibling to someone with Down syndrome or have any other questions for me please leave a comment. Your comments are moderated so any negative ones will automatically be deleted.

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